The new $AXLY - $WAVES liquidity pool is now live.
29 Aug 2023, 13:17
🌊 The new $AXLY - $WAVES liquidity pool is now live! 👉
Liquidity providers will have the opportunity to receive exclusive $AXLY rewards over the next 3 months!
Remember, this pool might also generate $SWOP farming rewards — so be sure to boost! 💸
Same news in other sources
329 Aug 2023, 14:36
🌊 In case you couldn't join us for the recent AMA featuring Sasha, we've got you covered!
You can now access the text recap of the event by visiting our blog.
Stay up to date with the latest ecosystem news! 👀
In case you couldn't join us for the recent AMA featuring Sasha, we've got you covered.
🌊 In case you couldn't join us for the recent AMA featuring Sasha, we've got you covered!
You can now access the text recap of the event by visiting our blog.
Stay up to date with the latest ecosystem news! 👀
29 Aug 2023, 14:10
🌊 In case you couldn't join us for the recent AMA featuring @sasha35625 , we've got you covered! You can now access the text recap of the event by visiting our blog.
Stay up to date with the latest ecosystem news! 👀👇
In case you couldn't join us for the recent AMA featuring @sasha35625 , we've got you covered.
🌊 In case you couldn't join us for the recent AMA featuring @sasha35625 , we've got you covered! You can now access the text recap of the event by visiting our blog.
Stay up to date with the latest ecosystem news! 👀👇
29 Aug 2023, 13:55
🌊 The new $AXLY - $WAVES liquidity pool is now live!
Liquidity providers will have the opportunity to receive exclusive $AXLY rewards over the next 3 months!
Remember, this pool might also generate $SWOP farming rewards — so be sure to boost! 💸
The new $AXLY - $WAVES liquidity pool is now live.
🌊 The new $AXLY - $WAVES liquidity pool is now live!
Liquidity providers will have the opportunity to receive exclusive $AXLY rewards over the next 3 months!
Remember, this pool might also generate $SWOP farming rewards — so be sure to boost! 💸